Welcome to Gloria Dei Lutheran Church!


We continue with the 7 weeks of Sundays in Easter as we rejoice in God’s promise of everlasting life through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Now that we have once again remembered the amazing gift of resurrected life because of Jesus – what will we do with this information?

The resurrection of Jesus is the most important act in the history of the world – so we should be telling all about the gift of life provided by the Creator. Don’t let this Eastertime fade into the days and weeks following Pentecost, but this year make the pledge to keep shouting from the mountain top – Christ is Risen…He is Risen Indeed. Alleluia!

Join us as we pray and sing and share God’s Holy Word as we gather at Church.  

We invite you to worship with us at – 3711 Ridge Road in Highland, IN – on YouTube at – Gloria Dei Lutheran Church – Highland, IN – or on Facebook @gloriadeihighland – as we give thanks to God for His unending love for His children. Worship on Sunday at 10AM.